jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014



If we review the literature on Philosophy of Mind , often have titles that give us hope that its contents to resolve the problem of consciousness, such as " Consciousness Explained ", " A History of the Mind ", " The Brain conscious "or " The conscious Mind " .Yet we see that this is , as they say in merchandising - of " misleading " because the authors always warn or conclude that no one knows yet what the ultimate nature of consciousness, or as Chalmers says we run headlong with the difficult problem :

"The hardest part of the mind-body problem is the question : how could a physical system cause conscious experience ? Psychological ... the mind-body problem has dissolved. What remains is the question of why and how these psychological properties are accompanied by phenomenal properties."

In my view , the problem of consciousness has been impossible to solve, because it has been faced from wrong paradigms.The paradigm that I propose , however , requires a caveat: these conceptions remove two powerful foundations of common sense, even , dare I also noted that an important part of common sense, widely accepted in the philosophical field .The first of these foundations to shake , is the objectivity of the world , and the second , the human will.Pretender to challenge such a foundation is not in any case, the original attempt at philosophy , but the element that gives the initiative a degree of novelty is that the proposed approaches debunkers emanate not only reflections or argumentative treatises , but resorts to the empirical evidence that delivers cutting-edge science of our time to establish such refutations .The requirement to build a solid explanation of consciousness, an explanation that actually realize the hard problem involves a thorough review of our concept of reality in the light of current scientific evidence , to join the empiricism of our time recreates and expands that reality.Disciplines that provide such evidence must emphasize , especially to Neuroscience , as are the principles of this novel scientific discipline that has allowed the development of this thesis , and for that reason I have called this new vision NEUROMETAPHYSICS as which , as explained below, is a metaphysical explanation, but from the conceptual framework and empirical evidence offered by neuroscience.

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